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Version: 1.0

Custom 404 Route

Making a custom 404 page is as easy as adding another route. Let's keep it simple and clean. Just add another route but this time with path of * or /*, this path will serve as a 404 or default page when no page is found.


Define a Custom 404 Page Handler

async function custom_404_handler(request) {
return reply.html(`
<body style="margin: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh; background-color: #1a1a1a; color: #f5f5f5; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;">
<h1 style="font-size: 5rem; margin: 0;">404</h1>
<p style="font-size: 1.5rem; margin: 0.5rem 0;">Page Not Found</p>
<a href="/" style="text-decoration: none; color: #4caf50; font-size: 1rem;">Return to Home</a>

Add the route

const router = Router(
path: "*",
handler: custom_404_handler

Well that's it. Now you've a 404 page.


Let's browse to a random path http://localhost:8787/wefewfwefwef